Petr Veverka

General information

Czech Republic
Member Id number (MIN)
Current age group
Junior II
Czech Republic


Status: Active
Division: General
Expires on: 16/05/2025


21.18 May 2024OpenLatinJunior IIBrno-Šlapanice - Czech Republic
0.18 May 2024OpenStandardJunior IIBrno-Šlapanice - Czech Republic
11.21 May 2023OpenStandardJunior IBrno - Czech Republic
15.21 May 2023OpenLatinJunior IBrno - Czech Republic
16.17 December 2022Children Grand PrixLatinJunior IZagreb - Croatia
12.17 December 2022Children Grand PrixStandardJunior IZagreb - Croatia
7.13 November 2022OpenLatinJunior IUsti nad Labem - Czech Republic
8.13 November 2022OpenStandardJunior IUsti nad Labem - Czech Republic
18.30 October 2022OpenStandardJunior IBrno - Czech Republic
19.29 October 2022OpenLatinJunior IBrno - Czech Republic
0.18 September 2022OpenStandardJunior ISzombathely - Hungary
0.18 September 2022OpenLatinJunior ISzombathely - Hungary
6.17 September 2022OpenStandardJunior IGliwice - Poland
8.17 September 2022OpenLatinJunior IGliwice - Poland
4.17 April 2022OpenLatinJunior ICambrils - Spain
3.16 April 2022OpenStandardJunior ICambrils - Spain
5.03 April 2022OpenStandardJunior IOstrava - Czech Republic
9.03 April 2022OpenLatinJunior IOstrava - Czech Republic
11.07 November 2021OpenStandardJunior IUsti nad Labem - Czech Republic
16.07 November 2021OpenLatinJunior IUsti nad Labem - Czech Republic
7.10 October 2021Children Grand PrixLatinJunior ITimisoara - Romania
5.09 October 2021Children Grand PrixStandardJunior ITimisoara - Romania
0.19 September 2021Children Grand PrixStandardJunior IBrno - Czech Republic
0.19 September 2021Children Grand PrixStandardJuvenileBrno - Czech Republic
0.19 September 2021Children Grand PrixLatinJunior IBrno - Czech Republic
0.19 September 2021Children Grand PrixLatinJuvenileBrno - Czech Republic
16.28 August 2021OpenLatinJunior ISzeged - Hungary
17.28 August 2021OpenStandardJunior ISzeged - Hungary


CoupleNameNationalityCompeting forStatusJoinedRetired
detailsEliska KramplovaCzech RepublicCzech RepublicActive16/05/2024
detailsKlara VeselaCzech RepublicCzech RepublicRetired08/08/202205/07/2023
detailsSimona CervekovaCzech RepublicCzech RepublicRetired28/08/202108/08/2022

That's Me!

Up Close!

How did you get into Dancesport; when did you start?

write your answer here ...

What are the fascinations that keep you in Dancesport?

write your answer here ...

What are your aims in Dancesport?

write your answer here ...

Is there anything in today's Dancesport that you are worried about?

write your answer here ...

Do you have time to meet friends outside of DanceSport?

write your answer here ...

What would you do if you had an unexpected day off?

write your answer here ...

Do you have talents other than dancing that nobody knows about - yet?

write your answer here ...

What genre of movie could motivate to go to the cinema?

write your answer here ...

Imagine you are on a deserted island!
What are the three things that you cannot imagine to be without, that you wish you had brought along?

write your answer here ...

What are you most proud of in your sporting career or life?

write your answer here ...

What dream would you like most to come true one day?

write your answer here ...

What are you looking at first when you meet a stranger?

write your answer here ...

How do you cope with stress and bad moods?

write your answer here ...

What is your motto in life?

write your answer here ...