Udo Guenthner - Sandra Viktoria Augst

General information

Udo Guenthner   (10103529)
Sandra Viktoria Augst   (10107246)
Dancing for
Joined on
25 November 2016
Current age group
Senior III
Current status

162. in Senior II - Latin with 137 points

226. in Senior III - Latin with 12 points


About these rankings.

About these rankings

The competitions marked below in golden color show the ones that will be included for the calculation of your WorldRanking.

The WorldRanking is calculated once per day and includes only confirmed results.

Should the sum of points below NOT be the same as in your WorldRanking please be patient and wait for the next calculation of the WorldRanking.

29.7010 May 2024OpenLatinSenior IIFrankfurt - Germany
54.1212 August 2023OpenLatinSenior IIIStuttgart - Germany
43.6710 August 2023OpenLatinSenior IIStuttgart - Germany
56.1213 August 2022OpenLatinSenior IIIStuttgart - Germany
61.1217 August 2019OpenLatinSenior IStuttgart - Germany
137.318 May 2019OpenStandardSenior IIFrankfurt - Germany
31.5218 May 2019OpenLatinSenior IFrankfurt - Germany
53.1211 August 2018OpenLatinSenior IStuttgart - Germany
204.510 August 2018OpenStandardSenior IIStuttgart - Germany
66.1309 August 2018OpenLatinSenior IIStuttgart - Germany
49.1924 June 2018International OpenLatinAdultAlassio - Italy
15.8024 June 2018OpenLatinSenior IIAlassio - Italy
12.9924 June 2018OpenLatinSenior IAlassio - Italy
23.5823 June 2018OpenStandardSenior IIAlassio - Italy
11.10823 June 2018OpenStandardSenior IAlassio - Italy
69.806 May 2018OpenStandardSenior IFrankfurt - Germany
123.305 November 2017OpenStandardSenior IIDresden - Germany
53.804 November 2017OpenStandardSenior IDresden - Germany
155.421 July 2017OpenStandardSenior IIWuppertal - Germany